Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A class you may have taken before existence

No matter what kind of life you choose to become, the program can be summarized like this:

Any form of life is a set of capabilities.
You have no capabilities unless and until you have structure.
All structure is a set of limitations.

You choose a set of limitations.
You explore those limitations as you struggle within them.
This makes you an active part of the universal mind.
Cosmic endorphins will be doled out for your effort.

Shorter summary:
Struggle within your bounds.
Gain direct grace

Monday, June 16, 2008

May it continue

Lately, I have been struck by beauty. The shapes of clouds, waves of wind in a field of rye, the subtle changing color of the sky, the way Lynn smiles during a romantic movie scene.

Last night I listened to a series of TED talks. When I was done, I sat there for a moment, stunned by the beauty of the lessons they gave me.

Seeing beauty in unexpected times and places is a good habit.
I think I'll keep it.