Monday, October 24, 2005


We cannot take credit for our talent.
It's what we do with it that counts.

How am I developing my talents?
How am I deploying them?

And you?


Round Belly said...

I am delevoping my talents and employing them all by having kids

Anonymous said...

I am developing and employing my talents in making games with which other people can... develop their talents! And perhaps even employ some of those they've already developed.

George Breed said...

I am allowing whatever talents I have to develop me. I feel more like a conduit than a developer.

Solange Hommel said...

I am developing my talents by going to meetings with other teacher and becoming part of committees and groups that provide me with experience and the tools I need to do my job. Interestingly, I am employing my talents by using those tools and experiences to raise the level of learning and education in my classroom AND in these committee meetings!