Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The royal "We"

I is We
We are Many
Many is one

As I woke this morning, I was still firmly in my dream character while another part of me noticed the state of my physical body and realized I was dreaming, while another part of me was planning my next project. Each was a different persona; a different consciousness.

For a moment I wondered...
Who is this "I" that is observing this?

A burst of parallel answer; too instant, too broad for words; referring to the recursive and fractal nature of community at many overlapping scales. Then the simple words...

I is We
We are Many
Many is one


Anonymous said...

both is all
all is both

it's an energy i've been working with this past week

seems to be part of the flow with you as well

enjoy the flow


Candor the Great said...

It's interestng how our bodies can make dcisions for us withoutour conscious input.