Friday, September 14, 2007

Wisdom of the language

Hopefully this will become a series of entries because there are so many examples of where our language may be harboring a collective wisdom distilled through millions of people over thousands of years.

One example that struck me this morning is "Ignore".
In current usage; "ignore" means "disregard" or "pay no attention to", yet "ignorance" means "to not know".
So does "not knowing" mean that we are actually "not paying attention"?

The teacher was impressing on me this morning that all knowledge is available. We choose to pay no attention to most of it. Some level of ignorance is necessary to play the game we call life on earth.

The take home lesson is that we truly do have the awesome power of knowledge available to us, and it is ok to ignore most knowledge.

Our challenge and our position in the big picture is to make some of that knowledge practical in the here and now.

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