Sunday, May 11, 2008

OM Mooo

As I get older, there are more times when my voice resonates deeply in my chest. Now I better understand the ancient practice of chanting "OM" and why the practice seems to be dominated by males. It feels good when that deep voice vibrates every bone and nerve in the chest.

Cows may be on to something.
Many times lately, I just get the urge to belt out a long deep "MOOOOO". It feels even better than "OM". It resonates deeper. It is more expressive. It helps clear cloudy feelings. Maybe cows have it figured out and we are doing it backwards.

This morning I was soaking in the tub. The resonance was wonderful. I was OMing and MOOing to my heart's content. Then I noticed...
When MOOing, the flow of energy is outwards; like expressing emotions. When OMing, the flow is inwards; like learning.

That must be useful insight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey- just so you know, cows are female. Your male, no.