Monday, October 18, 2010

The physics of Attitude

The answer to whether the cup is half empty of half full depends on momentum. Do you see the cup is filling or emptying? Momentum is basic. Momentum is everywhere.

You could consider momentum as the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions. No definition of a particle's location in physical space is complete without defining the time, spatial co-ordinates in 3 dimensions, and speed in each of the 3 dimensions. In many ways, where it is going, and how fast, is just as important as where it is.

In a person's mental and social space there are many more dimensions, but the concept still works. In each of those dimensions, where you are going is just as important as where you are.
Your direction is your attitude.
How well you apply your attitude is your speed.
How much of you is moving at that speed is your momentum.

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