Friday, August 12, 2005

Third world country

Lately, I've been consumed by learning how to import solar heating equipment. I think it must be because of the challenge of learning new things, the intrigue of working with exotic foreign partners, the ability to economically create products that seemed out of reach a few months ago.

In many ways, I'm starting to feel like we already live in a third world country. Case in point is the solar tubes I'm shopping for. 90% of them in the world are manufactured in China. The few that are manufactured in america are priced many times higher.

In a few short years we have come to accept that products designed in the far east work better than american designs. They are assembled better too. And why not? They work harder in school. I am told that 55% of their college students are engineers, compared to 5% here.

All 7 members of the politburo, the top Chinese lawmakers, are card carrying engineers. Most of our lawmakers are lawyers.

The 20th century largely belonged to america. This next century will mostly belong to the chinese.


Round Belly said...

We will be a second world country, not a third world, unless something major changes.

How did you find time/energy to blog after our weekend?

Round Belly said...

Don't forget India, They are gearing up to take a major part in world ecomony, and with China doing manfactoring and India doing service work (and together over 1/3 the world population) they will be a force to contend with.