Saturday, July 21, 2007

Separation synchronicity

I'm not sure I have ever seen stronger synchronicity in a lesson of the week. Perhaps the teacher is working overtime to get us in alignment.
This week it seems like everyone in the family is dealing with separation issues that are coming to a head.
Lynn and I were dealing heavily with estate planning.
Amy's best friend died.
Ryan working his way out of Green Range Energy.
Raya working her way out of Round Belly Clothing.

Each one contemplates great change.
Each one requires learning to release; to let go.
Each one requires the student to examine who they are, who they might have been, and who they want to be.

In those around us we observe that great change brings great emotion. It tends to progress; Early stages often include anger, then greed. Those emotions need to be accepted as real, but if we act on them, they can trap us in a recursive whirlwind of misery.

If we learn to minimize those parts, we focus on asking "How can we make this the best possible outcome for everyone involved?"

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