Thursday, March 08, 2007

Update from Mayo

This has been a medical week.
Lynn and I signed up for thorough physical exams at one of the best clinics in the world. (As long as it is in our state, we might as well take advantage of it.) Raya had appointments to find out what is happening with Ian's bowels, so we managed to get all our appointments in the same week.

So here we are... Lynn and I know more about our bodies than we used to. We are both basically healthy but need to exercise more and eat less meat.

We expected to hear that Ian's bowel problem was caused by a wheat allergy. Instead we found out that he has 4 or 5 pieces of metal stuck in his gut and masses of fecal matter dammed up behind it. Then the doctor was surprised that no one has told Raya before that Ian is missing the bottom two vertebrae. That might indicate that nerves don't function properly in his bowels.

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