Monday, February 04, 2008

Some math to digest our record budget

3.1 Trillion Dollars!
How do we make personal sense of such large numbers?

3.1 trillion / 301,139,947 = 10,294
The US budget divided by the US population = $10,294 per citizen

$58,480 / 3.14 = 18,624
The median family income divided by the average family size = $18,624 dollars income per family member.

10,294/18,624 = .55
The federal budget equals 55% of the median family income. This is on top of state and local taxes.

Of course, rather than pay that immediately we are charging it (along with interest) to our kids.

Our record budget is 63% larger than 2001, Bushes first year in office. It again includes more money for military while eliminating 151 domestic programs including some education, health and job-training.
Does anyone else see some alarming trends here?

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