Friday, October 07, 2005

Too busy?

In the little blog world that I normally frequent, the updates have been a little spotty the last month or so. It seems most of us are busy adjusting to the new season, or whatever excuse sounds good. In my case, after cruising everyone elses, I stare at my own blog for a while and then conclude that I'm just too tired to write.

It takes a break, a moment of R&R, then the juices start to flow a little.

Also, there is a time to soak up input from others, a time to contemplate. Later comes a time when Ideas burst out too fast to write them all down.


Solange Hommel said...


actually, i find that transition times are the hardest for me to keep writing. mostly because I do the same as you - i surf my favorites and then find myself too exhausted to make coherent sentences.

Round Belly said...

ditto- I think of witty things to write but then never get to them when I can write any word correctly

Paul said...

It is nicely ironic that this posting about not posting gets the most comments in a long time.