Thursday, November 17, 2005

Could happen

What if our civilization is an embryo inside of an egg?

We are surrounded by all the nutrients we will need to develop. We just went through the early rapid growth phase and are now developing enough of a nervous system to enter a new phase. Soon we will start converting all the mater and energy in the universe into our living self.
(If that seems hard to swallow, read The age of spiritual machines by Ray Kurtzweil. He has a fantastic web site.)

Assuming we learn a way to travel faster than light, mathematics tells us we could occupy the entire 3D universe in as little as 300 years from now. Once we do that, we will be mature enough to hatch out of our shell. The confines of three dimensions will crack and break away. We will be born into the eleven dimensional world.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to check it out further.