Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dealing with abundance

The population of any living thing tends to expand quickly until some critical item becomes scarce. Then the population stops expanding and starts competing. That creates evolutionary pressure. The individuals that deal most effectively with the scarcity survive and reproduce.
We are the result of a lot of evolution. Scarcity and competition is very deeply ingrained into our genes, perhaps into the very essence of our universe. It is how we get “better”.

What would happen if we didn’t have any scarcity? What if any and all of us could create whatever we want?
Maybe we would “wake up” from the game we have been playing.

Perhaps Douglas Adams was right. In his Hitchhiker’s Guide series of books he speculates that… if anybody ever figures out the universe, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. Some people think this has already happened.

1 comment:

Round Belly said...

I belive there is always enough for our needs, through some unseen force we are never short. And with out the belief that there is always enough one would look at what is left and assume that there will be scarcity, adn act according which causes scarecity.

look at the word "scare- city" it denotes that it is caused of fear- scary isn't it?