Sunday, January 01, 2006

What is manifesting?

Manifesting is allowing the universe to provide whatever you ask for.

Everyone is naturally good at manifesting.

Learning how to use manifesting to do good in your life is a lifelong spiritual undertaking. However, you don't have to be a master at it. Any step you take in that direction creates a better life.


George Breed said...

"allowing the universe" -- Yes!

Relaxing and opening into and out of so that the into and the out of are the same.

I agree. We are each and all born manifestingly, yet tend to get a little tight at times.

Just read something on Davo's blog. Sometimes his dad would look into the sky and exclaim "Send 'er down, Huey!"

Paul said...

I like the name. I wonder if there is a history to "Huey".